
Other ways to give

Monthly giving

The commitment of our monthly donors allows us to commit to longer term, more effective programs.

Give a gift of stocks or bonds

Do you have investments in stocks, bonds and other securities you’ve held for at least one year? Donations of investments that have appreciated in value may result in significant income-tax savings. Donating stock can save more taxes than donating cash, since there is no capital gains tax when appreciated securities are given to a nonprofit. Contact for details.

Protecting children means happier, healthier lives.

The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study shows how childhood trauma leads to shorter, sicker lives. We protect children and prevent ACEs. Take action now, you can help us break the cycle of abuse.

Help us break the cycle of abuse.

Do you or your children have ACEs?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevent us from leading healthy and happy lives. Are you ready to take the ACE test?

Check your ACE scoreMore about ACEs