Catholic Church Had a ‘Playbook for Concealing the Truth’
“Avoid scandal. Use euphemisms. Ask inadequate questions. Lock complaints away in a “secret archive.” Above all, don’t tell the police.”
The New York Times
We’re only as sick as the secrets we keep
But this isn’t their biggest sin.
The Bigger Sin

Grand Jury Report
Roman Catholic Church protects all perpetrators; not just priests
Diocese across America led by New York’s Cardinal Dolan [pictured], and including the Diocese in Pennsylvania, have spent years fighting in state capitol buildings to keep sex offenders on the street and above the law. This is surprisingly easy; all you need to do is ensure there’s a statute of limitations on the crime. Because we know that most victims need decades to talk about their trauma. By denying adult victims the right to a fair trial we ensure most people who sexually abuse children, and most of those who help them will get away with it.
Working together we can change this. We can pass the Child Victims Act. Click the button and get involved.
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Cuomo: We give justice to dead, but not living

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