Maternal Home Visiting

Why are so many children dying in Erie County?

Eain Brooks was murdered on September 17th 2013. Over the next two years 7,500 children survived abuse in Erie County

Abuse can never be undone. Abused children live shorter, sicker lives and contribute less to society. Their minds, souls and bodies forever scarred by betrayal and fear.

Current systems keep most abused kids alive, but kids deserve more. They deserve not to be abused at all. After all, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.

The Stop Abuse Campaign’s plan supports children by ensuring their families develop the skills they need. By educating adults so they can prevent and recognize child sexual abuse. And by preventing domestic violence in our homes, our communities and our family courts.

Erie County has an unprecedented opportunity to become a community where abuse is prevented, not tolerated. Now we must convince Governor Cuomo to fund this program. Because no child deserves abuse. Because prevention saves taxpayers money. And because one abused child is one too many.

We are working with local leaders, child abuse agencies, domestic violence agencies and local businesses to make Erie County the safest place for a child to grow up.

ABC News covers the crisis
