The Stop Abuse Campaign mourns the deplorable loss of a founder, our most generous supporter, and our dearest friend. Kenneth Wayne Mason was murdered on October 20, 2020, in Washington County, Mississippi. 

This senseless act of violence has created a great void for Kenny’s family, his thousands of friends in New York, and across the globe. The loss to Stop Abuse Campaign founder Andrew Willis is also profoundly personal. “Empathy drove Kenny,” recalled Willis. “I’ve just been looking through thousands of photos of him. I feel so lost one moment and so determined to drive the campaign forward the next.”

Andrew and Kenny were dear friends, with Kenny being the one that lifted Andrew after a suicide attempt, and then helped Andrew launch our important campaign to end the trauma that harms most of our children and every community. 

Condolences from the Board of Directors of the Stop Abuse Campaign, its thousands of supporters and contributors, go out to everyone impacted by this act, as well as the thousands of thoughtless violent acts that affect our society every day.

Kenny’s mother and family ask that donations are made to the Stop Abuse Campaign in his memory and to further his vision.