More than outrage, money is needed to combat child abuse
Outrage alone doesn’t protect children. Money is needed to combat child abuse, but it never seems to be a budget priority. Why’s that?
Outrage alone doesn’t protect children. Money is needed to combat child abuse, but it never seems to be a budget priority. Why’s that?
Bullying is related to, and similar to, child abuse in some surprising ways. Here’s what you need to know!
If a child discloses sexual abuse to you, it could change both of your lives. But a little knowledge can make you into the person an abused child needs.
Butterflies and other signals pedophiles supposedly identify themselves with and use to express the sex of children they are interested in.
New York’s children deserve to be protected from trauma by home visiting programs like Healthy Families NY. Good for kids. Good for taxpayers.
Neglect impacts children. Children that are neglected can find life can be a battle to survive. Neglect is a failure to handle children with proper care.
Depression is a serious illness, and there are things we don’t entirely understand about it. But the good news is that it can be overcome.
Is the world of the Protestant churches teetering on the edge of a sex abuse scandal similar to the one that had rocked the Catholic Church?
Life is stressful. Here are some situations to avoid and some remedies to keep you stress-free. They then live happy and healthy
Be a helper to make the world a safer place for people to live in. Be a helper to put smiles on people’s faces. These are easy tasks that don’t cost much.
There are simple things you can do that will make a big difference in your ability to make big life changes in 2018- or any time.
Holiday gatherings put children at risk of sexual abuse. We don’t need to avoid them, we need to learn to focus on safety during the holidays.
Many have the choice of attending holiday parties with their child sex abuser, or avoiding family at the holidays. Not an easy choice.
I like Santa Claus, don’t you? But I don’t like lying, I don’t like secrets and I don’t like forcing kids to sit on someone’s knee.
Another holiday season; shopping, gift-giving, celebrating, eating and decorating, but also the abuse that impacts our country during the holiday season.
How many Christmas presents have you bought this year? How many have you received? The best present we can give to anyone who has been abused is presence.
It’s important to keep calm and holiday on when you’re around a large group of family and friends. This blog post gives tips to keep calm and holiday on.
The holidays tend to be a tough time of year for survivors of child abuse. But common decency and thoughtfulness can help you survive the holidays.
During the seasonal period, people have many tasks. Trying to get to get these tasks done can create holiday stress. Here are tips to handle holiday stress.
Therapy similar to acupuncture and acupressure gives people a release from chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, PTSD, and physical diseases.