Stress can affect a child in a major way
Researchers discovered early childhood stress, like abuse and neglect, can smolder, harming kids’ brains and other body systems.
Researchers discovered early childhood stress, like abuse and neglect, can smolder, harming kids’ brains and other body systems.
Middle-aged white men are dying, en masse from “diseases of despair” like suicide and overdose. What are we doing to prevent it?
What every parent needs to know about child pornography and what it means to their family. The answers to 10 good questions.
North Carolina’s infamous “bathroom bill” makes life worse for transgendered children and doesn’t protect anyone
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month; beware not all programs that claim to be about rape prevention actually deliver.
We love to write bills that punish cocaine-addicted mothers, but we don’t like to help them. Should we punish bad mothers?
It’s child sex abuse month.There are things about being a sex abuse survivor that most people don’t know, but everyone should learn.
They break, you know. These children we leave behind. Foster care kids have high Adverse Childhood Experience scores. Like all children they thrive on love.
What if the abuser is a child. About 40% of child sexual abuse is committed by minors. Some are 17 years old. But some are very young children.
When we are angry, we are not powerful. We are pleading for power. We are feeling powerless, not powerful. Anger isn’t bad or wrong – just inefficient.
Do you know how to protect your child from sex abuse? You won’t really know unless you understand the facts. Knowledge is power after all.
Judging others is something I do when I’m afraid to love, when I can’t accept love because I can’t accept myself. When we accept others we accept ourselves.
Testimony in New York State calling for Maternal Home Visiting programs to be broadly available as a way of dramatically reducing abuse and neglect.
As a parent, it may be hard to keep your cool with some of the thing’s children do. You may feel like your about to lose it. Here are tips to keep your cool.
Looking at my father I didn’t see the man who lay on my bedroom floor to protect me from the monsters in my dreams. I saw the monster. And I forgave him.
Being a motherless mother is hard, the impact of a mother who has mental illness becomes clear when you become a mother yourself
There is no evidence that beating kids in school does any good. There is plenty of evidence that it does a lot of harm. So why does it persist?
New York City is dealing with a rash of murdered children. In the midst of finger-pointing, no one is talking about the one real solution to the problem.
Communities can prevent abuse with maternal home visiting programs that equip mothers, like VernayLah Laventure, to build healthy families
There are lessons that can be learned from Arianna Smyth’s death that would spare other children
We can’t talk and learn enough about child sex trafficking and pedophile rings. Protecting children requires actions that are harder, and more mundane.
“As a 13 year old I didn’t use all the right labels, but words like “rape” and “incest” were the first.” We must protect children from child sex abuse
A study saying the cost of child sexual abuse within the Catholic church has cost $3.99 billion over the last 65 years shows taxpayers still foot the bill.
We send subtle messages to our children that as long as someone loves you it is okay for them to hurt you. Children’s violence is taught.