Acceptance the first step in overcoming ACEs
Traumatic childhood events such as abuse, neglect, witnessing experiences such as crime, parental conflict, mental illness, and substance abuse are called ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) can create dangerous levels of stress and derail healthy brain development; resulting in long-term effects on learning, behavior and health. A network of leaders in research, policy and practice are developing approaches to prevent (ACEs) and mitigate their impact through building resilience.
Preventing the consequences of ACEs starts with knowing your risks. You can check your risks here if you are on a desktop or tablet.
Blog posts on ACEs
My Mental Health is Bad! Why and What Now?
May is mental health awareness month. In this article, we talk about what mental health is, why it’s important, how it relates to ACEs, and how you can help.
ACE 101: Parental Separation, Divorce, or Death
Parental divorce and separation, including the death of a loved one, are Adverse Childhood Experiences. Were you affected by them? What to do and how to get help?
Grounding in Toes & Yoga
An abuse survivor with the 10 ACE score tells her story about her journey into fully loving herself by grounding with yoga and mindfulness.
ACE 101: Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic and intimate partner violence are Adverse Childhood Experiences that weaken a family’s chance for stability and safety. How to help and get help?
Blessed or Cursed? Growing up in a Catholic Orphanage
A survivor story of surviving child abuse, growing up in a Catholic orphanage and turning it into a life purpose of healing others.
The Show Must Go On? An Abuse Survivor’s Take on Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock
The world is shocked at Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. An abuse survivor’s take on it urges us to question our own responsibility in abuse collectively.
ACE 101: Incarcerated Household Member
Having an incarcerated household member is an ACE, Adverse Childhood Experience, that can have lasting consequences into adulthood. How to help?
De-normalizing child abuse
A survivor story called Denormalizing child abuse shows how while abuse can become normal to a child, child abuse is never normal.
Is There a Link between Childhood Trauma and Heart Disease?
There’s one correlation of heart disease that you may have never considered. What’s the link between childhood trauma and heart disease?
How to heal from ACEs and childhood trauma
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can negatively impact your life into adulthood. How to heal from ACEs and childhood trauma? Read on.