Acceptance the first step in overcoming ACEs
Traumatic childhood events such as abuse, neglect, witnessing experiences such as crime, parental conflict, mental illness, and substance abuse are called ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) can create dangerous levels of stress and derail healthy brain development; resulting in long-term effects on learning, behavior and health. A network of leaders in research, policy and practice are developing approaches to prevent (ACEs) and mitigate their impact through building resilience.
Preventing the consequences of ACEs starts with knowing your risks. You can check your risks here if you are on a desktop or tablet.
Blog posts on ACEs
We Need to Talk about ACEs and Suicide
Understanding the connection between ACEs and suicide can help you see the warning signs and may ultimately save someone’s life.
5 Ways Surviving Child Abuse Is Like Training for the Olympics
You may be surprised by these five ways in which surviving child abuse is much like training for the Olympics.
The Science Behind Coercive Control and Adverse Outcomes During Pregnancy
In a two-part series with the ACECC Journal, we will discuss prenatal non-physical abuse and the long-term effects on children.
Stop Abuse Campaign remarks about the tragic death of Kenneth Wayne Mason
Stop Abuse Campaign remarks about the tragic death of Kenneth Wayne Mason
Sharing the burden of pain as a community
Suffering kept silent is a heavy-weight on the soul but sharing the burden of pain with your community can be difficult if they don’t want to hear.
10 signs of a toxic relationship
No relationship is perfect, be it familial, a friendship, romantic relationship, or a marriage, yet any of these can be a toxic relationship
ACE scores in prison
The US has the largest prison population in the world and highest per-capita incarceration rate but how are we treating the high rate of ACEs in prison?
What racism and abuse have in common
Victims of racism or abuse have a lot in common. Azure Moyna shares the greatest gift you can give someone who has been abused or mistreated.
My recovery as a sex offender
My recovery as a sex offender started when I stopped making excuses. And it started in the hostile environment of a prison.
Maternal home visiting services prevent childhood trauma, saving lives, and money
20 years ago CDC research on childhood trauma, called ACEs, showed survivors lead shorter sicker lives. Why aren’t we preventing it?