Protecting Children from Online Predators
The online predator’s target is a vulnerable child. Protecting children from online predators is the responsibility of all of us.
The online predator’s target is a vulnerable child. Protecting children from online predators is the responsibility of all of us.
Review showing that higher Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) scores are associated with a greater risk of juvenile justice system contact.
In a two-part series with the ACECC Journal, we will discuss prenatal non-physical abuse and the long-term effects on children.
Suffering kept silent is a heavy-weight on the soul but sharing the burden of pain with your community can be difficult if they don’t want to hear.
The world breaks everyone and afterward, many are strong at the broken places.”— Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms. Broken doesn’t mean beyond repair.
Your friend has just told you that they have been sexually assaulted, abused, stalked or raped and you want to support them but you’re not sure what they need. Maybe it happened to them decades ago, in childhood, or maybe it was as recent as today. You want to help your friend in any way you can. Situations may vary, but here are 5 tips for friends of survivors.
Having anxiety is difficult to explain to people. Sometimes, you feel like everything is falling into place, and the next, your world feels like it’s crashing down on you. Stress, feelings of neglect, worries about the future, all of these can combine into an anxiety episode or attack.
The word “consent” gets thrown around as if everyone understands it. The basics are easy, but the nuances of consent can get complicated.
Consent matters. Set your own boundaries and respect the boundaries of others. We don’t need complicated contracts, we need a revolution.
No relationship is perfect, be it familial, a friendship, romantic relationship, or a marriage, yet any of these can be a toxic relationship
Using these rape kits, evidence can be collected from a crime scene and when it comes to assault, that crime scene is the survivor’s body.
Are you a victim of abusive parenting and now a parent yourself? Wonder how to break the cycle of abusive parenting? Here are some ways.
Trusting someone with your story of abuse is a huge hurdle to overcome if you have been sexually abused. You need a sexual abuse co-pilot.
Harvey Weinstein didn’t pin down all his victims, in fact, some of them willingly got in their car and went to meet him. Louise Godbold explains coercion.
The last time I spanked my child was the first time I did.She was not quite 3 years old. I will never forget how her eyes and her tears made me feel.
It’s important for survivors and victims of abuse to have allies. A friend when going through a rough time. Do you know how to be an ally?
How do you spot a sex offender? Sex offenders cannot be profiled. There is no specific race, gender, sexual orientation, or education level that defines us.
My recovery as a sex offender started when I stopped making excuses. And it started in the hostile environment of a prison.
Many survivors open up about their abuse only to find that family reactions are just as painful, if not more so, than the original trauma.
Gaslighting is abuse. It is an act of violence, be it domestic violence, workplace, or elsewhere. Know how to recognize and survive it.
Offenders are not men in a trench coat. We are members of your family. We are people you know and trust. We are people who have access to your child.
Understanding the steps of sexual grooming can help parents protect their children. Child molesters use grooming in preparation for committing sexual abuse.
I came from a really poor household. I pulled my family out of extreme poverty. Then my boss raped me, life fell apart, but I recovered.
Some abused children become sullen and depressed, others turn to aggression becoming the exact same thing they fear; a bully.
Many have the choice of attending holiday parties with their child sex abuser, or avoiding family at the holidays. Not an easy choice.
How many Christmas presents have you bought this year? How many have you received? The best present we can give to anyone who has been abused is presence.
Children don’t have the tools to protect themselves from sexual abuse because their parents are often afraid to learn the facts about it.
A sex trafficking survivor talks about the path her trauma drove her down and her goal of helping other survivors heal.
If your child has been sexually violated, the word ‘disclosure’ takes on a horrifying meaning, what you do next can make or break your child’s future.
North Carolina’s infamous “bathroom bill” makes life worse for transgendered children and doesn’t protect anyone