Gaslighting: How to recognize and survive it.
Gaslighting is abuse. It is an act of violence, be it domestic violence, workplace, or elsewhere. Know how to recognize and survive it.
Gaslighting is abuse. It is an act of violence, be it domestic violence, workplace, or elsewhere. Know how to recognize and survive it.
It’s difficult to recover from ACEs, but it can done. This blog gives eight useful tips to recover from ACEs allowing people to go through life with ease.
Offenders are not men in a trench coat. We are members of your family. We are people you know and trust. We are people who have access to your child.
Pedophiles on YouTube: while parents are aghast, they don’t seem to realize that YouTube is only a symptom of a larger problem.
Child abuse continues to increase. There are ways to prevent them from doing so. Decreasing child abuse would make the world safer
20 years ago CDC research on childhood trauma, called ACEs, showed survivors lead shorter sicker lives. Why aren’t we preventing it?
Understanding the steps of sexual grooming can help parents protect their children. Child molesters use grooming in preparation for committing sexual abuse.
Four decades after domestic violence first became a public issue our courts still don’t understand why men abuse women. That’s dangerous for children.
US researchers have found early intervention can help prevent negative childhood experiences in infancy turning into long-term health risks.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adults caring for children use “healthy forms of discipline.” Read about alternatives to spanking.
I came from a really poor household. I pulled my family out of extreme poverty. Then my boss raped me, life fell apart, but I recovered.
Slavery hasn’t ended; today it’s called human trafficking; using force, fraud or coercion for labor or sexual exploitation. Here are facts about it.
The President wouldn’t believe me. I didn’t disclose my abuse after it happened; I disclosed it when I was ready. So did most of his other victims. So what does that say about us?
It’s important for parents to talk about sexual abuse with children. This blog has tips on how to talk about sexual abuse with children.
An interview with the Stop Abuse Campaign’s Melanie Blow about ACEs, addiction, prostitution and child sex abuse laws and policy.
Bullying is a reality in many children’s lives. But there are things parents can teach their kids to empower them that don’t involve violence.
Some abused children become sullen and depressed, others turn to aggression becoming the exact same thing they fear; a bully.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) impact our lives from childhood to adulthood. Discover how ACEs affect you.