We have more control over our feelings and responses than we thought.
Feeling happy, content, comfortable or satisfied when things go well? What determines whether you feel good or bad? Control over our feelings and responses.
Feeling happy, content, comfortable or satisfied when things go well? What determines whether you feel good or bad? Control over our feelings and responses.
What happens when survivors put themselves and their own self-care first? They become healthier and stronger, and so do those around them.
Those of us who were abused as children have lived with closed hearts. We were not given the chance to open our hearts and show our feelings.
The man who raped me is dead. The start of an emotional roller coaster. Because every day we are surviving…even the day our rapist dies.
Being a motherless mother is hard, the impact of a mother who has mental illness becomes clear when you become a mother yourself
I learned not to ask for help. I had to be strong, Never rely on other people. If you need other people then maybe you’re nothing.
Jackie McCullough recovered from years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Here she shares some suggestions so you can do the same.
I will not be measured and weighed and found wanting. I’m going to be OK as I am, even if I am obese. Find out why I choose to be fat.
Prominent addiction expert says we need to think of addiction as a response to childhood adversity. A ritualized compulsive comfort-seeking.
When you ask a child to make a monster, you learn who the monsters in their world are and you may find one of those monsters is child sex abuse.