“An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound
of cure.”
The ACE study proves all child abuse is a matter of life and death. 1500 children die directly from abuse every year. Thousands more die from its consequences; suicide, violence and physical illness.
Preventing trauma is possible. Evidence based program investments and legislative changes protect children and save taxpayers money. See below.
ACE 101: Parental Separation, Divorce, or Death
Parental divorce and separation, including the death of a loved one, are Adverse Childhood Experiences. Were you affected by them? What to do and how to get help?
ACE 101: Parental Substance Abuse
Parental substance abuse is an ACE, a childhood trauma as damaging as other direct ones. How does it affect the child and how can we prevent it?
ACE 101: Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic and intimate partner violence are Adverse Childhood Experiences that weaken a family’s chance for stability and safety. How to help and get help?
ACE 101: Childhood Emotional Neglect
Childhood emotional neglect is one of the most challenging ACEs to identify because there’s nothing to “see,” but it impacts thousands of children every year with damaging consequences. How to help?
ACE 101: Physical Abuse in Childhood
Physical abuse against children causes lifelong harm. This common ACE can be prevented. Read more on why and how we can dedicate resources to prevention.
ACE 101: Incarcerated Household Member
Having an incarcerated household member is an ACE, Adverse Childhood Experience, that can have lasting consequences into adulthood. How to help?
De-normalizing child abuse
A survivor story called Denormalizing child abuse shows how while abuse can become normal to a child, child abuse is never normal.
ACE 101: Childhood Emotional Abuse
What is childhood emotional abuse? Learn about this ACE, its life-long consequences, ways to prevent it, heal it, and help someone affected.
ACE 101: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
A vital part of fighting child sexual abuse is learning about what it is and why we must prevent it from happening to any child ever again.
Raised by Predators: Surviving Child Sexual Abuse
A survivor story called Raised By Predators is about surviving child sexual abuse and then healing from it.
Is There a Link between Childhood Trauma and Heart Disease?
There’s one correlation of heart disease that you may have never considered. What’s the link between childhood trauma and heart disease?
We Need to Talk about ACEs and Suicide
Understanding the connection between ACEs and suicide can help you see the warning signs and may ultimately save someone’s life.