Welcome to our Family Court Custody Crisis blog.

What experts see as Domestic Violence cases Courts treat as High Conflict cases. Most divorces typically settle without a trial, but in some 3.8% of cases, where parents are fighting over custody and visitation of their children, you’ll almost inevitably find Domestic Violence or Coercive Control.

America’s Custody Courts are failing to protect America’s children’s health and safety because they are not considering crucial scientific research and often relying on the wrong experts.

These are the cases the courts get wrong; most of the time. These are the children the Safe Child Act protects.

If you’d like to write for the Stop Abuse Campaign, or you’d like to publish your story on our blog, please contact us at info@stopabusecampaign.org.

Incest the Unforgivable

Incest the Unforgivable

Sexual abuse survivor starts their own non-profit, One Life One Heart International, to help survivors with their healing and empowerment.

Strength in brokenness

Strength in brokenness

The world breaks everyone and afterward, many are strong at the broken places.”— Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms. Broken doesn’t mean beyond repair.

5 tips for friends of survivors

5 tips for friends of survivors

Your friend has just told you that they have been sexually assaulted, abused, stalked or raped and you want to support them but you’re not sure what they need. Maybe it happened to them decades ago, in childhood, or maybe it was as recent as today. You want to help your friend in any way you can. Situations may vary, but here are 5 tips for friends of survivors.

How to cope with anxiety

How to cope with anxiety

Having anxiety is difficult to explain to people. Sometimes, you feel like everything is falling into place, and the next, your world feels like it’s crashing down on you. Stress, feelings of neglect, worries about the future, all of these can combine into an anxiety episode or attack. 

9 things to know about consent

9 things to know about consent

The word “consent” gets thrown around as if everyone understands it.  The basics are easy, but the nuances of consent can get complicated.

The Language of Abuse

The Language of Abuse

How to lose the language of abuse and achieve the miracle of actually being able to think in the new language. Emotional language is everything.



Harvey Weinstein didn’t pin down all his victims, in fact, some of them willingly got in their car and went to meet him. Louise Godbold explains coercion.

Hierarchy of abuse

Hierarchy of abuse

Society has ranked types of abuse in a hierarchy it considers most to least bad, and even buckets abuse into legitimate and illegitimate categories.

How to recover from ACEs

How to recover from ACEs

It’s difficult to recover from ACEs, but it can done. This blog gives eight useful tips to recover from ACEs allowing people to go through life with ease.

The President Would Never Believe Me

The President Would Never Believe Me

The President wouldn’t believe me. I didn’t disclose my abuse after it happened; I disclosed it when I was ready. So did most of his other victims. So what does that say about us?

Battling depression

Battling depression

Depression is a serious illness, and there are things we don’t entirely understand about it. But the good news is that it can be overcome.

Be a Helper

Be a Helper

Be a helper to make the world a safer place for people to live in. Be a helper to put smiles on people’s faces. These are easy tasks that don’t cost much.

Holiday Safety

Holiday Safety

Holiday gatherings put children at risk of sexual abuse. We don’t need to avoid them, we need to learn to focus on safety during the holidays.

Christmas Present

Christmas Present

How many Christmas presents have you bought this year? How many have you received? The best present we can give to anyone who has been abused is presence.

How to handle holiday stress

How to handle holiday stress

During the seasonal period, people have many tasks. Trying to get to get these tasks done can create holiday stress. Here are tips to handle holiday stress.

The power of tapping

The power of tapping

Therapy similar to acupuncture and acupressure gives people a release from chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, PTSD, and physical diseases.

He never hit me

He never hit me

If he hit me I would leave. The truth is I still wouldn’t have left then. I would rationalize that hitting me would show him how out of hand things were.

Incest: Why I keep talking about it

Incest: Why I keep talking about it

It’s never easy to talk about being raped. It’s never easy to use words like “incest” and “victim” about yourself. I still do it, and I have my reasons why.

Pleading For Power

Pleading For Power

When we are angry, we are not powerful. We are pleading for power. We are feeling powerless, not powerful. Anger isn’t bad or wrong – just inefficient.

Don’t get mad keep your cool

Don’t get mad keep your cool

As a parent, it may be hard to keep your cool with some of the thing’s children do. You may feel like your about to lose it. Here are tips to keep your cool.

An Open Heart

An Open Heart

Those of us who were abused as children have lived with closed hearts. We were not given the chance to open our hearts and show our feelings.

Recovering from abuse

Recovering from abuse

Jackie McCullough recovered from years of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Here she shares some suggestions so you can do the same.

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